Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Picture This
I'm sitting here in Massachusetts, awaiting an incoming tornado. Wait, what? That's right, Massachusetts, the land that can produce snow, rain, hail, sun, wind, and clouds within a 15 minute period has added a new type of storm to its repertoire, the tornado...
Unfortunately this leaves my family downstairs, far away from the magical kitchen that lies upstairs and can feed us...
My belly is not pleased
Unfortunately this leaves my family downstairs, far away from the magical kitchen that lies upstairs and can feed us...
My belly is not pleased
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Click Here!
Since I am far too thoughtless to come up with a remarkably insightful blog post right now, I leave you with this:
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Since Kindergarden
First grade, everyone is showing off their awesome lunch boxes. Some have toy story characters on them, Shrek was just coming into style, and if not a character, they would match the beholders backpack perfectly. My lunchbox was lame,
Eleventh grade, my dreams have come true! Tomorrow at lunch I will reveal the lastest upgrade in my lunch carrying life. A SCOOBY DOO LUNCHBOX.
10 years later . . . life is so good.
Eleventh grade, my dreams have come true! Tomorrow at lunch I will reveal the lastest upgrade in my lunch carrying life. A SCOOBY DOO LUNCHBOX.
10 years later . . . life is so good.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Feeling Fickle?
September: Why the hell would I want to go to a big dance party for social conformists? Sorry, but sounds pretty lame
Winter: I guess I'll go, why not?
Spring: Damn... this is going to be expensive
Later spring: $300 prom dress? No way! I'm going to borrow a dress and make my own corsage...
Winter: I guess I'll go, why not?
Spring: Damn... this is going to be expensive
Later spring: $300 prom dress? No way! I'm going to borrow a dress and make my own corsage...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Man in Kilt
Today I saw Aron Ralston in a kilt speaking at my brother's graduation from Carnegie Mellon University, and he had 4 very wise pieces of advice I would like to share with you
1. Get health insurance (true dat)
2. Keep your knife sharp (both your literal knife and your metaphorical knife)
3. Any day when you don't have to drink your own urine is a good day (word)
4. Let your boulder be your blessing (walk away from the biggest challenges in your life not with regret or a pissed off attitude, but with a newfound confidence and perspective)
There was also a bagpipe marching band.
1. Get health insurance (true dat)
2. Keep your knife sharp (both your literal knife and your metaphorical knife)
3. Any day when you don't have to drink your own urine is a good day (word)
4. Let your boulder be your blessing (walk away from the biggest challenges in your life not with regret or a pissed off attitude, but with a newfound confidence and perspective)
There was also a bagpipe marching band.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
An Awkward Situation
I'm at an airport
There is free wifi
I am on my computer
There is a lady sitting next to me
She has nothing to do
She is watching my screen
When I look at her, she looks away
I hope she reads this
I know I'm more interesting than the person reading on your other side, but seriously, privacy?
There is free wifi
I am on my computer
There is a lady sitting next to me
She has nothing to do
She is watching my screen
When I look at her, she looks away
I hope she reads this
I know I'm more interesting than the person reading on your other side, but seriously, privacy?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Ask A Star
You know how sometimes you find places online to send questions to celebrities and have them answered, and sometimes its a sly way to get you email? Well sometimes it really happens!
Check out Robyn's questions that have been answered! (or just bask in Broadway glory) I feel like I've officially on Broadway.com's biggest dork list
Check out Robyn's questions that have been answered! (or just bask in Broadway glory) I feel like I've officially on Broadway.com's biggest dork list
Sorry for the wee bit 'o bragging with this post . . . I just think its cool!
Monday, May 9, 2011
I've heard a rumor that Sutton Foster is going to be on an episode of Sesame Street. It's not confirmed yet, but I'm hoping!
Too Brilliant
Too Brilliant
UPDATE: Confirmed! Sutton Foster sang a duet with Elmo
Friday, May 6, 2011
I get home at 5
I need to be in bed by 10 (at the latest) so I'm well rested for tomorrow
I have a 6 hour practice test I need to do
I have to eat dinner with my family
I have to take a shower
I've wasted a good 2 minutes blogging...
The math just don't add up . . .
Thursday, May 5, 2011
100 Posts?
Do I really have that much to say?
My head doen't seem full enough for 100 posts...
My head doen't seem full enough for 100 posts...
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The House on Pooh Corner
I've rediscovered how wonderful the original Winnie the Pooh illustrations are. They are just so nostalgic and sweet and innocent, not to mention most of them are effing adorable!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Tony Award for Costume Design in a Musical
This was nominated:
So was this . . .
Not that impressive yet, right? Here's another nominee:
Just tacky, really no artistry there... Maybe the last nominee will be good?
WOW. What a disappointment! So does this mean every Broadway show this season had boring, generic costumes with little room for creativity, like sailor suits and business attire?
NOPE! Take a look at the costumes from one show that wasn't nominated:
Come on Tony nominating committee, if you really think the four shows that were nominated have more artistic, sculpturally complex, detailed, beautiful costumes than Wonderland, you are sadly mistaken
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Royal Wedding
Imagine being Kate Middleton, about to marry a prince! But what if in the middle of your long, elegant wedding ceremony, you desperately need to go to the bathroom! I'd think it would be a serious problem, I mean, you can only hold it so long . . . so while I hope the couple has a long and happy life together, I also hope they have bladders of steel
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
New Music.
I recently became obsessed with a new Broadway show, it opened last week, and since then the songs have been stuck in my head! You know the feeling, the same melody repeats itself over and over and over again, and relief only comes with listening to the song, and the satisfaction that comes with that moment is blissful. But what if there are no recordings of the song? If the cast recording doesn't come out for another week? If there aren't even any illegal recordings? If all you have is a few short snippets of songs that only leave you wanting to hear more, but it doesn't exist.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
When you apply for a job...
They should tell you if you don't get it, right? For example... If I applied for a job as a counselor at a summer camp, then my other friends who apply tell me excitedly that they got the job, shouldn't I have gotten some sort of notification that no, I didn't get it? I know its awkward, but its still courteous . . . and then I have to send an awkward email asking about it because I'm going away for a week and I want to let someone else know that I can work at a different summer camp that I did get the job for . . .
This is an odd feeling. I'm not angry, sad, upset, disgruntled, or disappointed that I didn't get the first job, I just wish they would tell me!
This is an odd feeling. I'm not angry, sad, upset, disgruntled, or disappointed that I didn't get the first job, I just wish they would tell me!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Talyor Mali
I had the privilege of seeing Taylor Mali perform today. He's a slam poet. Poetry, that's kind of lame, right? Wrong! He is absolutely incredible. I would try to describe him, but I could never do him justice. Take a look for yourself!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
The Icing on the Cake.
I want to make a huge cake. At LEAST seven tiers. Bright colors, edible glitter, funky shapes . . . I'm just in the mood!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Snuggling and Long Days.
Sometimes you snuggle with people you love and stay up literally all night talking and cuddling. Then in the morning you have that oops epiphany where you start to regret staying up, but at the same time it was totally worth it. Then you have a full day of singing, teaching, shopping, eating, walking, staying awake, and other things you're not really capable of.
And it's the best.
And it's the best.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Sometimes you walk out to dinner expecting some leftovers. Something grey, unrecognizable, and in a large bowl. But today I was pleasantly surprised to find avocados stuffed with a chick pea and carrot salad, with chocolate covered strawberries on the side. Looks like mommy had some spare time this afternoon!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Opening Night!
As I type the cast of Anything Goes is tapping and singing their way through the opening night performance on Broadway! If you haven't heard about the show, the reviews are already great, and the show's not even over! The only criticisms thus far? This revival is too different than the original (seriously?) Shouldn't the cast and crew of a show be praised for making it original?
"It’s Ms. Foster who leads these numbers, both as a singer and as a dancer. And her triple mastery of words, music and moves is unmatched by any performer on Broadway at the moment. It’s not just that she nails every step, note and joke. It’s the attitude with which she does so — an aw-shucks kind of casualness coupled with a dizzy exhibitionist’s delight."
"It’s Ms. Foster who leads these numbers, both as a singer and as a dancer. And her triple mastery of words, music and moves is unmatched by any performer on Broadway at the moment. It’s not just that she nails every step, note and joke. It’s the attitude with which she does so — an aw-shucks kind of casualness coupled with a dizzy exhibitionist’s delight."
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
New Kicks.
New shoes are weird. They're stiff and clean and smell good. You can wear them inside without worrying about getting the house dirty. The laces are still white. They smell good. A little too new if you ask me.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
How to Improve Your SAT Studying Experience
1. Obtain crayons
2. Obtain colored pencils
3. Obtain watercolors
4. Obtain SAT practice book
5. Proceed normally, but with more colors
Seriously, SO much better than a pencil
2. Obtain colored pencils
3. Obtain watercolors
4. Obtain SAT practice book
5. Proceed normally, but with more colors
Seriously, SO much better than a pencil
Monday, April 4, 2011
Netflix just put all the seasons of SNL online . . . my mind is filled with bad jokes, celebrity impressions, scarring commercials and political controversy. And it's wonderful.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Prom Dress Shopping
IT'S THE FIRST WEEK IN APRIL. Who needs a prom dress this early? Oh, that's right, the entire Junior class . . . I went prom dress shopping today, the first round of it at least. It's so sparkly and tacky and filled with sequins. Moms you don't know will tell you what colors look good on you, and which dress is definitely not for you. It's ridiculous.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
I'm Coming Out!
Or something? When people ask me if I am gay, straight or bi, I usually tell them straight. But it's not as simple as that. Sure, for the most part I'm attracted to guys, but has there been a lady or two who has given me butterflies? Of course. What about someone who doesn't fit in the gender binary? Sure. I've tried to explain that I'm not just attracted to guys, I'm attracted to people, female, male, intersex, trans, queer... whatever. It's just not important to me. And I've heard this term thrown around a lot, but it wasn't until I looked into it that I realized how strongly I identify with it: pansexual. The wikipedia definition?
Pansexuality (also referred to as omnisexuality) is a popular term referring to the feeling that one has the potential for sexual attractions, sexual desire, or romantic love, towards people of all gender identities and biological sexes. Some self-identified pansexuals refer to themselves as gender-blind—that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.
So basically everything I just said, right? Sometimes you ask people it they want their partner taller or shorter than them. And sometimes they're really passionate about being either the tall one or having a tall partner. Sometimes they couldn't care less, they tand to be attracted to taller people. It's like that. I really couldn't care less, its just usually guys. It's not that I'm attracted to both men and women, its not about that. I'm just attracted to people. Simple as that.
Or maybe I just really like pans....
Just some thoughts . . . I'm still kind of against identifying with a term like this. Everyone is different, right? These terms are too broad to describe how someone feels.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Check my brand spankin' new blog design, hand drawn by yours truly! It basically all the things I love in my life, like cupcakes, bunnies, a guitar, birds, every Sutton Foster show . . . pretty special, no?
In additino to spending an entire afternoon measuring, doodling, scanning, playing on photoshop, and resizing . . . oh wait, that's basically all I've done today and it's almost 11 . . . now onto homework
In additino to spending an entire afternoon measuring, doodling, scanning, playing on photoshop, and resizing . . . oh wait, that's basically all I've done today and it's almost 11 . . . now onto homework
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
An Odd Sort of Stress Relief
You know how you always feel better after crying? I'm exhausted. But all of the most stressful part of my life just ended, free time is blossoming, spring is blossoming. So I felt like I needed to get rid of the leftover stress and exhaustion from these very busy few weeks. What do I do when I get home from school? Quickly breeze though my homework, them watch the final episodes of Gilmore Girls, Friends, and Will and Grace, and them two episodes of Extreme Makeover Home Edition. SO MANY TEARS. And now I feel super refreshed and ready for a great night sleep :) Totally ready for a few low-stress days before the next big thing comes along
Monday, March 28, 2011
Always comes down to the last minute. No matter how much useless information you cram into a paper, there's always more to learn, more to write about, and more to waste time putting into your own words. Always more to do.
My dad just told me that Cadbury Eggs are better for you than normal eggs . . .
![]() |
Actual Egg |
![]() |
Cadbury Egg |
You decide.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Time Flies.
Time flies when you're having fun. That's true, but time also flies when you're trying to finish your homework quickly and suddenly it's 10:20 and you still need to shower and do a bunch of math problems and edit your research paper. Oh... and sleep, but that always seems to be the least important
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Imagine climbing into bed after a long, busy day on your feet. The sheets are freshly laundered, and you're all tuckered out, so lying down is blissful. A minute or so into your pre-slumber thoughts, you desperately need to blow your nose but the tissues are out of reach. This is my current dilemma, can you relate?
Soft tissues... just in time for the baby?
Soft tissues... just in time for the baby?
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I have an empty chair in a reasonable place in my room
My bookshelf is full of books
My desk is completely empty and all the drawers are filled . . . with supplies.
All my clean clothes are in my dresser.
All my dirty clothes are in a hamper.
There's a pile of nothing on my floor.
A have a dresser filled with clothes
My closet is especially neat and organized.
My bookshelf is full of books
My desk is completely empty and all the drawers are filled . . . with supplies.
All my clean clothes are in my dresser.
All my dirty clothes are in a hamper.
There's a pile of nothing on my floor.
A have a dresser filled with clothes
My closet is especially neat and organized.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I have a chair in the middle of my room covered in crap.
My bookshelf is covered in crap.
My desk is completely covered and all the drawers are filled . . . with crap.
All my clean clothes are on a pile on my floor.
All my dirty clothes are in another pile on my floor.
There's a pile of crap on my floor.
A have a dresser filled and covered in crap.
My closet is especially full of crap.
Tomorrow I get to sleep in.
Tonight I clean!
My bookshelf is covered in crap.
My desk is completely covered and all the drawers are filled . . . with crap.
All my clean clothes are on a pile on my floor.
All my dirty clothes are in another pile on my floor.
There's a pile of crap on my floor.
A have a dresser filled and covered in crap.
My closet is especially full of crap.
Tomorrow I get to sleep in.
Tonight I clean!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
In lieu of writing my research paper this afternoon, I rediscovered a cool quiz. You answer questions about your beliefs, both moral and theistic, and it gives you a long list of religions and how you match up with them. This might just be my interest in religion, but I think it's so cool! And pretty accurate, at least for me
And as it states before you even start the quiz, "Belief-O-Matic assumes no legal liability for the ultimate fate of your soul" So no risk!
Here are my results:
And as it states before you even start the quiz, "Belief-O-Matic assumes no legal liability for the ultimate fate of your soul" So no risk!
Here are my results:
1. | Unitarian Universalism (100%) - Not surprised in the slightest . . . |
2. | Secular Humanism (99%) - Again, no surprise here |
3. | Liberal Quakers (90%) - A fitting top 3, a bit predictable though, no? |
4. | Theravada Buddhism (87%) |
5. | Neo-Pagan (75%) |
6. | New Age (71%) |
7. | Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (71%) |
8. | Nontheist (69%) |
9. | Mahayana Buddhism (69%) |
10. | Taoism (66%) |
11. | Orthodox Quaker (57%) |
12. | Reform Judaism (53%) |
13. | Scientology (48%) |
14. | Baha'i Faith (46%) |
15. | Jainism (46%) |
16. | New Thought (45%) |
17. | Sikhism (41%) |
18. | Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (38%) |
19. | Hinduism (34%) |
20. | Seventh Day Adventist (24%) |
21. | Orthodox Judaism (22%) |
22. | Islam (19%) |
23. | Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (19%) - Oh hey one of the most popular religions in the US, I almost didn't see you way down there! |
24. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (19%) |
25. | Jehovah's Witness (11%) |
26. | Eastern Orthodox (10%) |
27. | Roman Catholic (10%) Such a popular religion... yet last on my list? |
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