Saturday, January 15, 2011

Where would you like this laminate flooring?

I'm going away this weekend and unfortunately I don't have time to waste away by pondering something fantastically exciting to blog...

so here are some fantasmic quotes from The Drowsy Chaperone, my all time favorite Broadway show

"I hate theatre. Well, it’s all so disappointing. You know what I do when I’m sitting in a darkened theatre waiting for a show to begin? I pray. Oh dear god please let it be a good show. And let it be short, oh lord in heaven please (two hours is fine, three hours is too much) and keep the actors out of the audience, god! I didn’t pay $100 for the fourth wall to come crashing down around me. I just want a story and a few good songs that will take me away. I just want to be entertained, I mean, isn’t that the point? Amen . . . . .You know, there was a time where people sat in darkened theatres and thought to themselves, what have George and Ira got for me tonight? Or, can Cole Porter pull it off again? Can you imagine? Now it’s, please, Elton John, must we continue this charade?"

A marvelous way to start a show, don't you think? Really gets the audience excited

"We as a society have grown too sophisticated to enjoy broad racial stereotypes on the stage, so we’ve banished them to Disney."

True life.

"It’s mechanics. It’s like pornography... Let me explain what I mean by that. In pornography, the story is simplistic. “How do I pay for this pizza?” or “I’d do anything to pass this drivers test” . . . “Where would you like this laminate flooring?” I’m just making this up… My point is, as in a musical the story exists only to connect together the longer, more engaging, you know… production numbers, or reproduction numbers. It’s not like I watch pornography, I just . . . What kind of country do we live in if we can’t discuss the similarities between pornography and musical theatre?"

Hmmm... interesting take on the theatre. I've never thought of it that way. And I think a better question would be, what kind of country would we live in if we could discuss the similarities between musical theatre and pornography??

"I don’t like intermissions, they destroy the magic, you know? They yank you back into reality. One moment you’re lost in a world of glamour and music, and then Bang! You’re surrounded by tourists."


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