Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some Brief Math.

What am I supposed to do in a five day week? Five days = 120
-School, which balances out to about 6 hours every day. (30 hours)
-I have 5 core classes, each one expects me to put in an hour of homework every day we have class, four times a week each. (20 hours)
-An extra hour a day doing long term assignments or homework for smaller classes. (5 hours)
-An hour each day for mealtimes and time spent involved in small talk with family (5 hours)
-Half an hour of pure amusement, socializing and/or procrastination each day for the sake of maintaining sanity (2.5 hours)
-An hour and a half each day maintaining a business type social life, mostly checking important emails, which often lead to more work and more emails (7.5 hours)
-An hour each day for maintaining cleanliness, this includes both at night and in the morning. (5 hours)
-Nine hours of sleep each night... I wish. (40 hours)

Let's see now . . . 30+20+5+5+2.5+7.5+5+40+5 . . . That's what? Exactly 120 hours! Funny how it works out that I have almost no time to myself . . .

SO NO MOM, I don't have time for a job, or a relationship, or to take practice SAT and ACT tests in one day, or to go out shopping with you, or to have a life . . .

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